Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Interesting Times

How things are moving so fast, and we have no time to stop and go, "Wow."

It was not that long ago that only the super rich had a "mobile
phone," and that was only available in limited places. Now everyone
and their dog have one (cats don't yet, since that is what humans are
for). Now we have high speed internet on our phones, that run a
processor that is more powerful than the computer that landed Man on
the Moon!

Take a moment...

Your workplace uses computers to do their accounting, you probably
also have a computer instead of a till.

Say the computers all over the world crashed tomorrow... Could you
still do your job. Seriously, could you really? If you are reading
this post I doubt you could do your job... And for those who don't
read this post, you probably still use pen and paper to do your

That is my point, it is absolutely interesting times that technology
is moving exponentially faster, yet we have to keep up if we want to

Thoughts? I would love to hear them.

Sent from my mobile device

Love all, trust a few. Do wrong to none.
William Shakespeare, "All's Well That Ends Well", Act 1 Scene 1

Have a Great Day,

Travis Ostash
IM: (all services)

--> Please be Green and save paper, don't print this email <--

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Running Away and to Technology

Technology... how we depend on you, I am no different than anyone else.  I use Facebook, Google+, and listen to music on my iPod.  But when things break, or the power goes out, I can still function.  There are these things that are called books, and there is this strange ball of light in the sky to illuminate the area.

However much the Sun shines down, and reading a book under a tree is enjoyable, there is nothing that compares to the speed of searching on Google to find an answer, or read an interesting article in Wikipedia.  But think about this, if the power went out and the batteries were dead, could you function.  I mean really function... do you know how to fix your lawnmower, your plumbing, or your generator sitting in the garage?

It all comes back to how we get out information.  Just think it was only 20 years ago, you would go to the library and borrow a book on small engines to fix your lawnmower.  Or phone your dad to find out how to fix a clogged drain in your kitchen.  Or call your buddy to come over and help you move and fix your generator.

Now we go to our favourite search engine and look up anything we need and an answer appears.  No going out to learn, no phone calls, and no physical human social interactions.  I recognize in myself these things, but how many of us do think about it.  I mean come on your reading this on an electronic device for crying out loud.

Instead of just Clicking "like" or "+1"ing why don't we say instead, "do you want to go for coffee?" and leave the computer at home.

Of course we will keep going back...