Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Critical Thinking on the Decline

I've seen a steady decline in the number of people with Critical Thinking skills since I hit my twenties. Granted I am now past the half way mark of thirty, but this just emphasizes the depressing number of people who don't use their brains. Yes, the Internet makes looking up information easier, but it also makes it easier to bury the truth. 

This is where Critical Thinking is important, analyze what you read and look for opposing viewpoints. If you can't find opposing viewpoints and you agree with what your reading then you are drinking Kool-Aid at the neighbourhood cult meeting. 

Critical Thinking is not just being critical about what information you absorb, it is also being critical about where your own ideas and "truths" come from. 

Take this blog, it is one point of view, what if you find two or even three other points of view? Don't shy away from them, check them out see how they fit together. Sometimes two opposing points of view is really just two different perspectives of the same idea. 

Monday, July 29, 2013

Chasing Exhaustion

You don't know who your friends are until you get into trouble; they are the ones who come running to help. The flip side to this is, you don't know who you are friends with until you race to help a friend in need. 

Even if your friend does not ask for help, you help anyway. Staying awake for longer than 38 hours just to make sure they are ok, is just what a friend does; it is not a bother nor is it troublesome. There are those who's job is to help, and I am forever thankful we have them here in Canada, but it is the help from those who are not paid to be there and help because you need it. 

Can't sleep for worry, when you do sleep you wake up tired. This is a price that isn't a price to pay, it is accepted as part of caring. 

My greatest fear is being in a hospital, I am here in the hospital because I care more for my friend than I do for my fear.